Phone Number: +1(845) 480-9687
Kindly fill out the form provided on this page, or send the information requested in an email to:
Some of my emails have been marked as spam lately– if you don’t hear back from me within 48 hours, check your spam folder!
Screening Options
All new friends must be screened, purely for my own security. The more safe I feel, the more genuine, pleasant and satisfying will be experience for the both of us. Privacy is always assured– personal information goes to my secure encrypted system & is always deleted after our first booking is validated.
With your inquiry, please be sure to send me your full legal name and phone number, along with the website links, social media, and verifiable email addresses of two reputable, recognizable providers you have seen.
I also gladly accept employment and/or ID verification. Please provide any of the following:
Photo of your Government-Issued ID or Passport. Please include a photo of your ID next to your business card or a piece of paper with my name and today's date clearly written.
LinkedIn profile with 500+ connections.
Company bio or profiles from third party sources (e.g. SEC filings, Forbes, Bloomberg, etc.)
I do not accept P411 Okays or similar avenues as screening, but feel free to supplement your inquiry with them if you wish. I am highly selective about the suitors I see, so aiding my peace of mind is always a great help!
Money exchanged in legal adult personal services is simply for the time expended in the delivery of lawful entertainment and companionship. Anything else that may or may not occur is a matter of personal preference and choice between two or more consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is not an offer or insinuation of prostitution. Fees charged are for time spent only. By contacting me in any way, you agree to these terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any law enforcement agency using this advertisement for entrapment or arrest. Legally, I cannot and will not discuss or agree to any type of solicitation. No fees or tips will be quoted, negotiated, assessed, or collected in exchange for sexual conduct of any kind. Any attempt to compromise my position on these issues will result in: 1. Immediate termination of our time together, 2. Forfeiture of all donations, 3. An end to all further contact. The services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either: engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) Solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration. Donations are in exchange for my time, companionship, and modeling only.